the Psymbiote
The Psymbiote: Hybrid Apparatus For Social Interface
is an ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration focusing on the merger
of technology with the human body, approaching the issue both in
practice and in concept. Supported in part by a fellowship with
Arizona State University's Institute For Studies In The Arts, we
are in the process of creating an interactive performance suit and
developing functional cybernetic units that will be worn with it.
Ultimately we seek to fully transform a human body into a new and
unexpected hybrid organism with fully integrated control systems.
This is a concept sketch of what the psymbiote might
look like. As development progresses, the Psymbiote will appear
in public spaces, sometimes announced, sometimes unannounced, in
an attempt to engender dialogue regarding the future of human technological
enhancements. In the spirit of interactivity, I hope you'll let
me engage you all directly in this preliminary dialogue tonight.
The Psymbiote is an attempt to bring the issues raised by the ongoing
redefinition of the human body and its boundaries into a public
forum, highlighting some of the contemporary critical discourse
surrounding cybernetics, cyborgs and other human technological hybrids.
The Psymbiote was conceived January 19th, 2000. Jesse
provided the seed, and I fertilized it. Over the last year and a half,
we've put our energies into research, grant writing, experimentation,
and construction. We've explored the nature of our psymbiote: who she
is, where she comes from, and how we can build her into existence. We've
cyborg practice, such as Steve
Mann's Wearcomps,
the image of the cyborg
in literature, such as this early
1970's anthology,
in film,

popular media, like Wired and Popular Mechanics,

fashion, such as Thierry Mugler's designs,

cultural theory,

and art.

This last image shows a piece by Ira Sherman, called the
Arbitrator. Participants are locked into a confrontation in a structure
that forces proximity and eye contact, and over the course of the event
the joints of the apparatus stiffen, limiting their ability to break away.
I'll be sharing many other bits of our research over the course of this
Our Cyborg zygote grew from this dialog. Today, this strange
creature is still premature. Like any new born, the Psymbiote must first
discover herself in her environment. She will take time to learn control
of her functions, and to speak for herself. She still speaks only through
my voice.
I feel her developing energy swelling inside me. We have built so many
of the components directly on my body, creating a personal and intimate
link between my self and this embryonic apparatus.
When the Psymbiote reaches adolescence, there will
be a typical period of awkward adjustment to the reconfiguration
of the body. It will take time for this body to learn how to use
it's new extensions, and practice to make their use automatic.
Humans have many "built in" automatic functions. We don't
have to think about the processes necessary to breathe. We were
born with a highly refined, unconscious knowledge of this complex
physiological process. But learned behaviors can become automatic
too. When I first learned to drive a car, I was completely aware
of each action. I had to think consciously about what pedal had
to go down when to do what. Now, I no longer need to think "I have
to push down on the right pedal in order to go faster" I just think
"go faster." The transportation tool around me has become an extension
of myself, and the clumsy interface somehow becomes invisible as
I integrate my body and function into it. This, by definition, is

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